Monday 22 November 2010

Speech Bubble Tutorial

i made my speech bubbles in flash. I started by creating a grey background. I then made the fill colour white and the stroke colour black. I then selected the oval tool and created an oval shape on my document. After this I selected the line tool and made to lines coming of of the oval to make the tail of the speech bubble.after that i then used the paint bucket tool to fill the gap inbetween these lines. I then used the selection tool to select the bit of the outline of the oval between the two new lines I have made and deleted it. I then selected the selection tool and curved these to lines to make it look better. I then double clicked in the centre of my speech bubble and pressed F8 to make this a movie clip so i can use it over and over again rather than making new ones. I the placed two more speech bubbles onto my document and adjusted them to make them come from different directions. I then used the text tool to add text to each bubble to get a conversation going.

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